Sunday, January 31, 2016

Positivity in Cooking/Recipe Review

I find great comfort in my kitchen when I cook, even more so since we moved into our new home almost three years ago. My current kitchen isn't really what some would consider to be a "gourmet kitchen", but to me, it's my gourmet kitchen. I love it, and it makes me happy! 

In our other home, my kitchen was rather small with very little room to work. It was hard to move around because the kitchen table was right smack dab in the center of the kitchen. I didn't have very much counter top space, and that tended to make meal preparation a little daunting. 

What makes my new kitchen so nice is that my table now has its own corner, out of the way from everything else. So what you are seeing above here is my whole work space, and for me, it's just enough. In our new kitchen, I love to cook. I love to experiment with new recipe's as well as being creative when I can. That is one thing I wish I could do more of and have a little flare for is being more out of the box creative. For me, cooking has become a very positive and a mentally healing experience for me. But I also think it can be a totally magical experience when you're creating new dishes!

As I said though, I do enjoy finding new recipes to try, so per my daughter's request today, she wanted split pea soup. Off to pintrest I went to look for a delicious, but simple recipe for split pea soup. I don't like to make certain things that are overly complicated with a ton of ingredients, if I can help it. So I found this great recipe from Valerie's Kitchen. Sometimes when I make these recipes, I do them as written. The next time I make them, I often put my own spin on it, but I have to say, this recipe is amazing as is, if you LOVE a good, yet simple split pea soup recipe. So let's get started, shall we?! 

I always double all soup recipe's because I am usually feeding at least 3-4 people, as well as I love to have left over soup, and sometimes I send some home with mom too!! So here we started out with 2-16oz bags of dried split peas and 2 Tbsp of minced garlic. I just used the minced garlic in the jar. I love that stuff. It's easy peasy and always ready to use. 

My next layer here is 4 peeled and chopped carrots, 4 celery ribs and 2 medium white onions. The recipe instructions said to chop small, but to be completely honest, I chopped them, not small, but not really big chunks either because as it cooks, and you're stirring, they're going to get soft and break down anyway. So I wouldn't worry about chopping them too small. 

Here we have some fresh thyme. I needed 2 Tbsp for my double recipe. I have never worked with fresh thyme before and it said chopped thyme. I had no clue what I was doing with my thyme! So I found a really informative video on Youtube. So if you don't know what you're doing with your thyme either, you can watch what to do here. 

So here is the thyme all pulled off from the stems, and then I just gave it a quick run through with my knife per the video before I put it into my crock pot.

So far now in my pot, I have the dried split peas, garlic, onions, carrots, celery and fresh thyme. 

Now, the recipe called for a meaty ham bone to be shoved down into all those yummy vegetables and then pour your chicken broth over just to cover. One of the past recipes I have used before called for a pork hock. It's a part of the pigs leg that is just above the foot and below the knee. I couldn't find any at my local store this time, plus I thought I had a few left in my freezer, but when I got home, I found out I didn't. Now, I always buy a ham steak to chop up into my split pea soup anyway, so as you can see, I have two ham steaks, one already chopped. I feared if that would be enough for flavor, but I called Mom and she said it would be fine. Plus these ham steaks have a little fat in them and that's where you get most of the flavor from. As I was chopping up these ham steaks, I did do a little taste test. They had a very nice smoked flavor and that did end up coming through in my finished soup. 

I layered the ham on top, threw in a few bay leaves and then I poured in about 10 cups of my chicken broth. I had a total of 12 cups as again, I doubled this recipe. As you can see, with all that goodness in the crock pot, I poured in what I could fit and then set the other 2 cups aside. I did end up putting in the rest later on. 

I set the crock pot on high with a plan of letting it cook around 8 hours. This was after about an hour of cooking. I gave everything a stir before going out to run a few errands for my Saturday afternoon. So my hope was to come back to an amazing smelling home. There is nothing quite like coming home to a really good soup cooking in the crock pot and the aroma is just filling the house. It's awesome!!

Now this is my favorite part. This is where cooking feels almost magical to me. We came home from running a few errands and as I had hoped, the house smelled so good. I just let everything simmer, the crock pot still on high and this was where I was at about 6 hours later. The magic that split pea soup is to me had taken place. This might seem silly, but this is just one thing I love about split pea soup! It starts out as this chicken broth based soup and you wonder how is that (see pic above) going to get to this amazing, warmth of comforting, creamy deliciousness?! It just does. The peas soften, the vegetables cook and as you stir it up, that creamy goodness just starts to form and you have this beautiful, split pea soup.

We weren't planning on eating for a couple of hours yet, so once the magic happened, I turned the pot on low and just let it simmer, stirring it occasionally because it does tend to separate as it continues to cook. It was fine though after stirring it a couple of times. I always serve a soup like this with a crusty bread, again, it's a comfort thing. 

Mom was over for dinner last night and we all enjoyed this wonderful soup. The recipe I found is definitely not one that I would do much tweaking to. The only difference I did was I used the ham steaks instead of a meaty ham bone. The steaks worked great, and gave some amazing flavor, but that wouldn't stop me from using a nice meaty ham bone if I found one the next time I plan on making this soup. 

I think out of everything I do make, soups are one of my favorites, especially during the winter months. I love having my mom over to visit. I love cooking for her and the kids. There is nothing quite like gathering around the table over some hearty soup, fresh bread (even if I didn't make that myself) and having family togetherness with some good conversation. That to me is everything. My life has become all about those little moments that I cherish. Life is too short. So find the moments that make you happy, cherish them and embrace the positivity. 

**Note** The original recipe called for fresh Italian parsley, which I just found in my fridge with my soup leftovers in the fridge. I completely forgot that I bought it and it never made the soup. It wasn't missed. But I'll definitely have to make this soup again and include the parsley! Sorry about that. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Positively Inspirational

Art comes in many forms. There are musicians, painters and even people that just simply sketch. But it doesn't stop at the actual art itself. What about those with disabilities? Even disabled people can still find ways to! Art can be amazing all on its own. But when someone disabled can find ways to express the gifts that hide within them, I believe it takes a life all on its own.

I'd like for you to meet Paul Smith. Paul suffers from cerebral palsy. Typically speaking, Cerebral palsy is generally caused by damage to the brain before or at birth. The brain damage can occur from a brain injury or abnormal development of the brain. The condition is evident by impaired muscle coordination or spastic paralysis and/or other disabilities.

This man, that no one believed would survive long enough to learn anything as a child, creates some of the most amazing artwork you'll ever see.  This is a definitely a feel good video that you will want to watch!!

We all have struggles and challenges in our every day lives. But I believe that if we can just take a few moments to find some focus and breathe, we can find just a little bit of good that happened in our day that we can be thankful for. A tidbit of positivity if you will. Cherish it, embrace it and let it help carry you to the next day. I think we can all find ways to make life beautiful in our own way just like Paul has.

Tonight as you wind down, take a few moments, cherish them and embrace your positivity. Thanks for reading.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday Simplicity

Good Sunday morning! It's a quiet one here in WNY! I'm sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee from my French press. I received that little gem of a gift from my cousin in Florida. It has become my new favorite thing. I love my French press! I am also thinking about our friends further south of me as they battle storm Jonas this weekend. I hope every one is staying safe, and are warm inside and out of the storm. 

There are just a few little things in my life that I have come to really appreciate. Sunrises and sunsets, a good cup of coffee (anytime) and Sunday mornings. Of course when you can combine any of these things, you get an amazing medley for a perfect, relaxing Sunday.

So what is it about Sundays for me? Well first, on Sunday, you can find me in my living room, curled up on the couch with a hot cup of coffee, watching out the window. I love coffee, as I said, anytime. But I love when that aroma fills the house on a Sunday morning. It's become an art to me to make it in my French press, and making it fresh that way has helped me to become more present and appreciative of my Sundays. It's about playing Pandora and enjoying Van Morrison's station. I love Van Morrison, but I have also come to enjoy some other old classics like Sinatra, Martin and Etta James, just to name a few. It's that day of rest before having to start the work week on Monday. It's about finding peace and quiet and just reveling in it for a little while. It's about taking the time to breathe and find some much needed focus in my life. 

On Sundays, I enjoy my softly played music, my quiet and coffee while waiting for the rest of the family to awaken. Some Sundays, my daughter and her boyfriend  will take a drive to Tim Horton's for some fresh bagels. I'll make more coffee while they're gone. Then we all sit in the living room together while we talk, and enjoy one each others company. 

Although, there are other times when I will just make us breakfast. Something I also truly enjoy, because who doesn't LOVE Sunday breakfast, right?! Again, it's about the smells that just fill the house whether I'm making pancakes or sautéing peppers, onions and garlic for some amazing scrambled eggs!! Today, we did some wonderful breakfast tacos as I was just in the mood for something different. 

They turned out so good!! Usually when I make breakfast, once we have eaten, the kids help me clean up and then, I'll make coffee and we will just sit and have our time together then. Either way, it works. 

When I was a little girl, Sundays was about family and being together. Stores and businesses were closed. Sunday was a day of rest and about just being with family. It bothers me that over the years, so many have lost those values. I don't think it was an intentional doing as it was what society as a whole has become. The value of time spent with family has fallen to the wayside of making the almighty dollar. I try hard to save Sundays. Even though my kids sometimes have to work them, I try to make sure that I am here and present for them before they go to work or when then come home from work. It all depends what shifts they're working as they vary. Sometimes, on a financial level, I have no choice but to work on the occasional Sunday myself. But I do try making it a point not to (if I can help it) for the sake of my family.  Money comes and goes. We can't take it with us when our lives end and life is too short to be working 8 days a week. 

As my day is winding down here (Yes, I have been working on this entry off and on all day), Aretha Franklin's "Ain't No Way" is playing on Pandora, it's time to get ready for the work week ahead. But there are still a few hours of my Sunday left, so I plan on enjoying them. So try a little Sunday simplicity for yourself. Find what makes YOU happy on a Sunday and do it. Sleep in, make coffee, make breakfast for the family and reconnect after a busy week. Take some time to just slow down. Remember to cherish those little moments and as always, embrace the positivity!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Powerball Madness and Finding Happiness

Hey Everyone! I hope everyone had a good week. It seems like it's been a while since I posted last. I am trying to get better at this whole blogging thing. But anyway, a little segue before I get into my topic. Last Monday, January 11th, my dad had knee replacement surgery.As with all surgeries, there is risk involved. Dad has a little more risk than others due to a heart condition...atrial fibrillation. We were told the surgery might be done by 9:30 am, but that it was a possibility that he might not get done until 10 am. We escorted him to just before the OR, and said our good luck wishes, gave kisses and said our I love yous.

While my mom, my daughter and I waited in the surgical lounge, there came a time where we started to become concerned. It was a little after 10 am. All these other doctors were coming out and talking to their patients families that had arrived around the same time as we did and there we sat. Every time the surgical lounge door opened, we expected to see my dads' doctor and it was someone else's doctor. It was well after 10 am and my mom started to cry insisting that something just had to be wrong.....this was taking too long. While trying to keep her calm, I began to get anxious myself. I tried desperately to just try and focus on my breathing and not make my mom more anxious than she already was. Finally at 10:30 or so, my dads' doctor came out to tell us that he was fine and everything went better than he expected. We all breathed a sigh of relief, cried a few tears and waited for him to come down to his room from recovery. Dad is doing pretty well, all things considered. 

So last week as the power ball reached the $1.5 BILLION jackpot, the nation was sent into a frenzy, picking numbers and buying tickets hoping to be the lucky winner!! Some people put in hundreds of dollars hoping they would have the winning combination. They had high hopes that this would be their ship sailing on in to port.  Some people were thinking that this money is the answer to all their financial woes and the answer to happiness. But is it? Would it be? I'll admit it. I spent about $10 on some numbers with hopes and dreams I would win. My daughter and her boyfriend spent a few bucks as well. We all said we wouldn't be greedy. Even a million would have made life a little easier. But would it make us happier?

As we sat there on Wednesday night waiting for the drawing, my 16 year old son said out loud, "No matter what happens guys, win or lose, we still have each other." I love that boy of mine. It's not like I needed that to be put into perspective for me, but he is right. In the end, family is what always matters the most. As I sit here now, typing out this blog entry, I can't help but think....if God forbid, something happened to my Dad during his surgery and he was no longer with us, no amount of money would bring him back to us. We couldn't buy new happiness to help us with the loss we would feel by losing a husband, a dad and a grandfather. $1.5 billion, or a million, it just wouldn't matter. Now mind you, IF, again....God forbid, something had happened to my dad, I doubt any of us would be thinking power ball tickets anyway, but you get my point. 

You can have all the money in the world. but it doesn't buy happiness. It might make you feel a little bit comfortable. It buys you things. But think about it, is it really things that make you happy? You could have anything you wanted, but I can't see how those "things" would make you happy. If you don't have the love of family and friends, would all those "things" even matter? 

I don't have a lot of material things. I have necessities. I also have wants, as most do. But, I have come to realize in my life that it's not the things that make you happy. Although I do have one exception to that....and that is my house. We moved, almost 3 years ago now, and I do have to say that my house changed me. Long story short, there was just some bad energy in our other home, despite some changes we tried to make. It just made me overall, a very miserable person and someone I didn't like very much. The move gave us a new outlook, a little more space and brand new energy that we provided....positive energy!! The kids even talked with my mom and said how the new house has changed me for the better. Everyone noticed a difference in me and we all believe it was the change of homes and having a fresh start. 

But, with that being house is full of second hand furniture. We will need a new couch soon as the one we have has seen some better days, but it is still good for curling up on, and sitting on, but it is old and starting fall apart around the edges. But you know what? It's all good!! I recently just got a "new" (to me) was the most practical for me. I went from a 2005 vehicle with 170k miles to another 2005 vehicle with about 86k miles on it. I love it, and I am happy with it. It has a sunroof, a great stereo and it gets me where I need to go. 

But out of all of this....what is most important to me is my family. I have two of the most amazing parents and two amazing kids. I love all of them with all that I am. My kids are two wonderful young adults that are on pretty decent paths in their lives. I am nothing short of proud. My daughter has the most loving and caring guy in her life. They've been dating for about 3 years and I couldn't be happier for her that she has found someone that treats her as she deserves to be treated. 

Family should never be sacrificed for anything. They're too important. We only have a little while on this earth and we have to enjoy them while we are here. Remember to take time for them. Don't work so hard for the big house and the fancy car that you lose site of what's important. 

  I have spent the better part of the last 2-3 years of my life, if not longer, looking for happiness. I used to think money was needed to find that happiness. I have reflected even more so on my life since losing my cousin in August. I have learned that you don't necessarily need money to make you happy. 

You can't find happiness. You create it. You create it by making memories with your family, finding hobbies you enjoy, or just finding contentment in sitting out on a porch on a warm sunny day and taking in the moment. You surround yourself with positive people and share in happiness with them. Take in nature, breathe in life. Cherish every moment and always remember to embrace the positivity.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Chasing The Sunrise

I dropped my son off at school this morning and as I headed home, going east, it looked like there was a really pretty sunrise in the making. So I decided to pass home and find a pretty spot to grab a few shots. 
I have reached a point in my life where I feel like I need to just take advantage of moments like this. Time and life is just so precious. I let too many of these moments slip by. 
When I am headed to work, I'm usually headed west, but this morning, I decided to chase the sunrise. I don't get to just watch the sunrise nearly as much as I'd like to. 
These are just a friendly reminder that sometimes you just need to take in the beautiful sites that we are given every day and be thankful for them, no matter what might be going on in your life at a given time. Give yourself permission to find some peace. 
It's important to seek out the beauty, find the positivity and be thankful. 
Life is meant to be cherished. In a very busy world, it's ok to take a few moments out of your day cherish life's beautiful moments and embrace the positivity. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Good Morning

Embracing the positivity of a brand new day that I have been graced with. Sometimes you just have to stop what your doing and take a moment to appreciate the new day that God has given you.  Remember to cherish each moment and embrace the positivity today and everyday!